Saturday, March 13, 2010

Just came back from hospital.

This morning, Ashton suddenly rejected his milk, drank 140ml only.. Baby was kinda worried and insisted that we shd bring him down to hospital today to check what's wrong with him.

Then we quickly prepared Ashton and ourselves and dashed down to his PD's clinic. Upon reaching, we sian half! Cause got lotsa patients! Lucky today's waiting time is only 1.5hrs, cause usually have to wait at least 2hrs.

Dr Ong said Ashton is having slight throat infection + stomach flu! Oh dear! We didnt know he is unwell, cause he looks so normal, still as playful and active!!! Lucky baby insisted bringing him to see doc, if not the throat infection might worsen.

And Dr Ong also said he suspected Ashton had food allergy cause he has rashes on his face since friday, but now much more better. Everything happened so sudden on friday!!!

He asked if we got secretly feed him any adult food, of course we didnt! He said might be our parents. But I doubt so, though my mum always very tempted to let Ashton try adult food, but i'm sure she wont feed him those forbidden foods without my green light. And we were told to be careful with his foods, must make sure he got no allergy to the food, and must wait for him to turn 1 before giving him 'adults' foods...

Very funny, Last monday Ashton went for jab, he was 10.2 kilo (actually he was 10.8 at hm, but diffe weighing machine gives diffe weight) then today he weighed 11.2! Dr Ong asked how come Ashton no appetite but still can gain 1 kilo within 2 weeks?!

Anw, Ashton was given 3 medi and of course, this naughty boy keep refuse to take his medi, gonna force-feed, tsk tsk...

After the medication, Ashton's tummy seems to be flatened, not as bloat as the past few days. Hopefully he will recover and gain back his appetite soon =)

Tomorrow we're suppose to go to Taka Fair with Jac. Hopefully Ashton is okay so we can go as planned =)

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