I asked the promotor for big bottles, either 260ml or 330ml and she told me they only have 125ml!!! Unless I want the anti-colic bottles. But I just want the normal ones! Then I wanna get the 6mth+ teats for Ashton, also dont have!!!!
Honestly, I dont mind to pay for the usual price even if it's at baby fair, but I just want to buy all the things I need at once! Tsk Tsk!!!
I nearly came back empty handed BUT do you think Regina will be willing to come back with empty hands? LOL!
Ashton was very naughty, kept 'molest' Jac! He stick his hand into Jac's dress!!!!! OMG!!! LOL! While we're shopping, baby look after Ashton outside the shops, so we can shop freedomly..
"mama, you seee, I helping yiyi carry her bag! I guai bo?"

"something looks tasty!"

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