This year we spent our Xmas day at home. But yesterday, which was Xmas eve, we went out to run some errands.
"wow daddy, Xmas tree leh!!!"

Touch touch the hole...

"Hello, my name is Ashton! you can call me super ultra guai lan kia!"

Bought another brand biscuits for Ashton

And some bottled fruit puree.

Bought him the fruit puree cause today is the 3rd day he didnt poo!! Ever since he switched to Similac, often like that. Seldom poo everyday =(
Last night we also had a mini gift exchange within the 3 of us.
Ashton's presents

Actually the small one isnt really his 'Xmas' gift. It is a float which I saw it at Taka and bought for him.. haha!

Daddy teaching him how to open his present!


Leapfrog Musical table!

"wow!!! new toy leh!! Got lights & music! My favourite seh!"

I've been wanting to get Ashton a musical table and have been asking ard which brand is a better choice. I saw the leapfrog one at my cousin's place and she claimed that Leapfrog is a better choice =D
Btw, Ashton received his very FIRST Xmas gift on the 21st Dec, Monday!

Jac and Nic sent the carseat to us!! OMG!! Very big Thank-you to them!! Cause they know that Ashton needs a carseat and they bought it for him as a Xmas gift! Totally love them!!! HAHA!!!
My Xmas gift for baby:

Braun Buffel wallet and Keypouch!

Actually it doens't comes with such a pretty box. Cause only the sales products comes with the box but the promoter very nice, gave me this box and wrapped it nicely for me =)
Baby gift for me!

I totally love the box and 'bag' which baby used to packed my present! and this silly baby spent 4bucks on the shredded paper!!! OMG!!!

A box of Chocolate!

Ipod Shuffle!!!

He got me a mp3 cause my Mickey mp3 has gone to the 'east'~ And I've been looking for a 'small and compact' mp3 so he got me this! haha!!!
Thanks baby!!! =)
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