Friday, March 12, 2010

As Ashton has been refusing his solid food, not much improvement at all, this morning I called up his PD's clinic.

Sibeh funny lo the conversation btwn me and the lady

she: what happened to ur baby?
me: he has been refusing solid food but still drink milk n still active, just find it weird why he keep refusing solid food including biscuits.. shd I bring him down to let doc check?
she: ehhhh... actually I'm just an operator they hired to answer call and take appt. for ur enquiry, i will ask the nurse to call you back
me: then you need to take down the message?
she: dont need, later they call you then you tell them again

WTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! since she dont know anything then ask me for what?!

And I wait and wait and wait...... From 10.30am to 1.30pm, no one call me! Baby sms me, told me to call them back. I called back then the lady (i think shd be the same one) told me all the nurses went for lunch liaoooOOOOOOoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She promised to ask the nurse to get back to me asap.

And finally at 3.30pm, one of the nurse called me!

She told me as long as Ashton is still drinking milk, is okay, but if this persist for another week, must bring him down to let PD check.

She also asked me why not I try out Nestle cereal, cause got more varieties, and she said Ashton is 9 mth old alrdy, is okay to try Nestle. Shall see how, see how is Ashton's appetite first..

And I was told, it could be Ashton teething too.. Cause he still drinks milk mahh..

And just now, at 7.30pm, he drank milk, and MERLION-ED!!!!!!!! vomited everything out!! after awhile, I thought of giving him abit cereal, but only 1 spoon, just 1 baby spoon, and he vomited again!!! after that, vomited for the 3rd time!

Vomited 3 times within 2 hrs isnt a good thing I supposed. But he is still as active, as naughty! I dont know what goes wrong! Baby suggested to observe until tomorrow morning, if tonight and tomorrow morning feeds, he still vomits, then have to send him to hospital alrdy =(

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