Monday, December 28, 2009

Usually Ashton will have 2 solid food + 4 milk feeds per day, 1 cereal in the morning and 1 porridge in the late afternoon.

But today he didnt get to eat his porridge. All thanks to his super blur mother (ME)!! This is dont know the 432478698349027 times I burned the porridge!!! Okay la not so much but I think at least 4 times since he started porridge.

As usual I placed the porridge on the stove and let it boil then brought Ashton into the room and played with him until I smell something burning!!! I dashed out the room, to the ktchen, saw the pot of porridge (okay, became RICE alrdy) on the table. Dad looked at me furiously!!! He said his house will kanna burn down sooner or later!

See the poor pot! New one somemore!!

Anw, I did mentioned Ashton loves to stand right? Just an hour ago, he held onto the sofa WITHOUT us supporting him and stand on his own lik 3 seconds?? SO CUTE LA!!! short short one.. haha!!

"Ah ma you see, I can stand well right?"


Jac came over during the weekends. Yesterday I made some sushi.. And dont know why, I think I was on PMS or something, kinda pissed off with small issues easily..

Sat Jac bought a winter hat and shawl, both very nice and she dressed up Ashton with her buys!


"yiyi, you also same as mummy, everytime bully me!"
Jac: "NO!! you looked great!"

My mum said Ashton look totally like a girl in this pic! HAHA!!

A random afternoon, Ashton fell aslp while playing. I didnt even know he fell aslp until I feel so weird how come I talk to him he didnt 'reply'! HAHA!



Ashton loves to aim the fan in my living room! This afternoon we even spotted him hidden there and chew on the wire!!! OMG! I quickly dashed over and pull him off!

Happily pompom-ing

See how he giggles!!! haha!!

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