Last night we brought Ashton to Vivocity cause I was really very bored staying at home! My mum often says I'm 'huay ka', means legs always itchy, cannot stay at home. Last time I loved staying at home but eversince Ashton is born, I love GOING OUT!! HAHA!!
We set off to Vivo after having a light dinner at home.
"YEAH can go gaigai liaoooo~~~"

Off-topic abit, but I suddenly notice Ashton has ROSY CHEEKS!! See the recent photos I taken for him, including the one above! haha!

Upon reaching there, we took the lift from the carpark to 2nd storey and a family kept looked at Ashton. One of lady actually took out her cellphone to take pic of Ashton!!! I'm sure she did that! Cause no one will sms in such 'photo-taking' way! I looked at her and she quickly put her phone down. But after that I saw her showing her phone to her family! WTH! After we reached 2nd floor, I told baby about it and he said just let her be since we dont have any 'evidences'! #%$^&*I(O
We walked ard Vivo and HarbourFront Centre. Wanted to get a pair of heels of myself but failed to spot the one which suits me =(
Ard 9pm, we started to feel hungry!!! Search ard to find some foods but kept dilemma on what food to eat! In the end, I got super cranky cause I really very HUNGRY! So I gave baby 2 choice: JIA XIANG MIAN or SUPERDOG. In the end he chose Superdog cause JIA XIANG MIAN too much MSG.. haha...

My Bacon Hotdog bun with Onion rings

baby's super burger!! OMG the beef is like an inch thick la!!

My sweet sweet lil Ashton is really an super ultra sweet baby!!! He fell aslp just before we have our meal and woke up only when we are finishing the meal!! So sweet of him right?? hee....

He woke up giving me the super pathetic look!!
"mummy, you mean you finished the hotdog bun and daddy slurp up all the onion rings and his jumbo burger?!"

"everytime like that.... never leave some for me... BOOOHHOOOOOOOOO"

After the meal, we went to Candy Empire. Ashton 'ka chew jian' keep trying to grab the candies!!
"chocolate~ chocolate~"

I was blur to the max! I told I left my digital cam at SUPERDOG and made baby to ran all the way back to SUPERDOG and only to find my DC in Ashton's diaper bag!! OMG!! HAHA!!
Went to TIMEZONE, baby tried to catch plushie but failed to =(
"daddy, I want that pooh pooh!!"

Act cool!

Our last stop was Diaso. My poor Ashton knocked his head very head on the door!! I was walking in front and I heard baby 'sayang-ing' Ashton and turned ard, saw baby calming him down!
Can you spot the reddish part?

Know why he will knock his head??
Cause he always sit in such position!!

No matter how we adjust him, he will switch into this position for sure! And he loves to stick out his head and kaypo here and there thus always knock his head against things lo!
The buys~
Some freezer bags for Ashton's foods.

Some chocolates from Candy Empire

This afternoon Ashton vomited milk on his shirt and my mum stripped him naked while she took a new shirt for him!!!
lil sexy~~~

Trying to take to broom!

Talking about the broom, this super SILLY boy LAUGHED at the BROOM!!! He saw my mum using the broom to sweep the floor and he looked at the broom and laugh out LOUD... HAHA!!
On the random days~~~
Few days ago, Ashton didnt want to sleep and kept crying cause he was super tired alrdy so baby suggested putting him in his stroller cause this boy huh, dont know why, loves his stroller to the max!
Confirm must play with the fan 1st..

Fall aslp!

Baby always says Ashton is an angel when we are outside and a lil devil at home. haha!
"WOW!! got 'or-leng' lehhhhh!!"

His favourite is still that bag of OR-LENG!!! HAAA!!!
Ashton attempted to take the candies but he dare not. Cause right before we shoot the video, he grabbed one and nearly pop it into his mouth, his daddy beaten his hand, so he dare not take the candies after that! HAHA!!
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