Friday, January 1, 2010


Year 2009 was a great one! I carried Ashton in my tummy during the 1st half year, 2 June, my gynae cut open my tummy and pulled him out! From that day onwards, I officially become a mother! I remember the first time Ashton fell ill, we dashed him down to the baby clinic at AMK (cause hospital is always full of people). And how we reacted when the PD told us Ashton was down with bronchitis and need nebuliser the very first time in his life!
After that, he not only did not recover, he got worsen that we need to send him to the hospital -.-" And, his cough and bronchitis came back on and off untill 5months old~
Until now, 2010 is here and Ashton will be officially 7 month old tomorrow! How time flies! In short, 2009 was a tough but definitely a very meaningful year to me! =)

Resolutions for the year 2010

1. Ashton to be a healthy and happy baby!
2. FiL's business HUAT super ultra big!
3. Baby got pay increment (no 2 must fulfil 1st in order to fulfil no 3!)
4. Everyone is happy, healthy
5. No more babies falling ill 6. No more super illness/disease like H1N1
7. No more tsunami, earthquake etc...
8. Last but not least, BABY STRIKE TOTO PLEASE!!!! 1 million will do!! HAHA!!

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