Sunday, December 27, 2009

Why do babies have to fall ill? I totally hate this!!!

My poor Ashton has been very cranky these few days! Last night was the worst I think. He cried all the way to 2+am!!! I even gave in to him by taking out his long-lost sarong!!! He still can wake up crying inside!!!

During the past 2 nights, baby and me were taking turns slping on the floor. The 1st night, we placed Ashton between us, so he will feel secure and easier for us to take care of him but who knows, the super kiasi me dare not slp, I so scare Ashton will become roti prata! So I rolled to the floor. Last night, baby said he will slp on the floor. haha...

Back to the topic, I think Ashton's crankiness comes from his teething pain. My lil precious can tolerant painful smacks from his daddy. No matter how hard baby hit his palm, he will only pout and not cry. Even when he knocked his head against the super hard wooden cot, he will not cry either. But he has been crying so badly when he is teething, so I suppose teething must be REALLY painful!!

And after his constipation, he is now having 'diarrhoea'.. Not really diarrhoea but his stools are more watery and he poo 6 times yesterday and ard 4 times today!!! His lil butt is now so RED!!! So poor thing, teething, diarrhoea, reddish butt all comes together. Machiam package like that =(

And Stephanie's braedon also sick. He vomited quite a few times and is now at KKH. OMG! Can some kind souls pray for these 2 babies???

This afternoon we went to KiddyPalace to get a 'special' teether for Ashton! Cause dont know why, he hates his pacifier!!! He hates sucking his pacifier!!

This is the teether 'pacifier'!

We placed it in the fridge for ard 10mins and Ashton loves it!! But he just hate to suckle on it!

A super cute baby toothbrush for him!

Table corner cushion

Ashton dont seems to love sitting down alrdy. He wants to STAND!!! Baby will hold his armpit and teach him how to 'walk'! I have a video, upload tomorrow! =D

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