Wednesday, May 13, 2009

That day we went to Serangoon for the delicious Fish&Chips and passby a chap ba lang shop and saw some cute babies wear...

Bought a Tigger romper for BB... Guess how much???

OMG it's so freaking CHEAP! 5bucks nia! and the material is not those cheap cheap rough rough de okay... LOL...

Anyway, we've decide on how to dress BB when we bring him home from hospital


I wanna let him wear this set of hat & booties but there's no other matching romper leh so just pick this. It's all buttons de, much more easy to wear... Nvm la since he'll be wrapped up... LOL...

At 1st thought of letting him wear the COW set.... Cowie romper, hat, mittens and booties which we bought from KiddyPalace but hor the romper very diffi to wear and take off so maybe just leave it for his 1st month? hehe...

Thinking of my birthday,I feel so sian... How am I going to enjoy with a heavy tummy and a painful pipi???

Bro asked why I choose c-sect? He say pipi pain nvm de la... then mum said "you think give birth like pang sai so easy meh?? her pipi pain alrdy hw to give birth???" LOL!!!

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