Monday, May 11, 2009

Just watched the channel 8 show which featured Live on Michelle Chia's wedding. OMG! I love her wedding gown!!!

They must have spend a bomb on the dinner itself! Indeed, preparing a wedding is not only time consuming and also need lotsa MONEY!!!

I so miss the day when baby and me got married!

Okay... Baby has settled the car accident thingy. The person met him at a car workshop at Tampines this morning. He wanted baby to pay for the repair but the workshop worker charge him $580 for a small small damage!

Baby called up FIL and asked if the price was reasonable.. FIL asked him NOT to pay,Just ask the person go claim from insurance since the damage costs above $500 alrdy..

The person demand additiional $200 cash cause he said he need to rent a van for 2 days.SIAO! Rent van for 2 days need $200??? He thought he renting Toyota Wish ah? Of cause baby didn't pay la..

I keep remind baby to drive CAREFULLY in future! If he go bang people vehicle again,I'm going to SLAP him!

That silly, still got the nerve to tell me "wow I drive so many years 1st time kanna accident leh" *piak*

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