I'm......hmmmmmmmm.... unwell again.. Hae been slping for the past 2 days, very tired. And it seems like I'm going to have flu soon, the feeling of having flu is here and my throat hurts. *ouch*
Ashton's skin is getting better. At least the rashes part has cleared. Nevertheless, we switched ALL his shampoo, bodywash, and even laundry detergent to organic brands.
Those who know me well should know that I'm NOT an organic person. And I used to loathe organic products, thinking that it's unnecessary to use organic products, everything is the same and we must get 'immune' to normal products, cannot get over-protected by organic products.
But trust me, Ashton's skin problem really improves after we changed everything to organic brands. At least the money is well-spent. But of course, I doubt I will get him organic foods like fruits, veg etc etc. Because in my opinion, I feel that if we're dining out, he dont get organic foods, not many restaurants serve organic foods, in future he is going to attend school and schools dont serve organic foods either.
It is easy to find organic shampoo and bodywash. But it is not easy to find organic laundry detergent!! However, we managed to find one, which works well!
And, this is the laundry detergent that I mentioned above!

It can be found in Kiddy Palace @ $22. I think that's the only hypoallergenic laundry detergent we could find in Kiddy Palace. At least, that was the case for Compass Point branch.
Fruits juice lover!

Sexy Ashton with sexy mole!!
"MUMMY!!! Get the mole off my face!!!!"

Tutu Ashton with tutu hair

Enjoying his water parade

Walking around with his bedroom slippers
Being punished!!
Dancing upon hearing the sound 'Wo Meng Ti'
This boy, loves the song very much. Every evening 7pm, he will dance when the song starts. HAHAHAHA!
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