I always love baking and cooking. But I hate to do the washing up end of the day. HAHAHAHA! This is my 1st attempt on sardines puff. Amazingly, it turns out to be good! haha!
The sardines filling with potatoes

1st tray

2nd tray

A close up

Last sunday we attended lil Braedon 1st bday.

They're trying hard to communicate

Baby carried both of them together to see who is heavier..

Of course, Ashton was the 'champion' -.-""

"ORHHHH!!!!! Mummy you didnt make enough milk for me!"

"Then how????"

"Nvm I suck suck the air..."

"Or I drink some water to ease my hunger"

"Drink water also must lie down then it will taste 'sweeter'.."

It's Barney time!!!

Lil 'Princess' Ashton

Lil tam jiak Ashton

Lil YOYO Ashton

Lil 'siao char bo' Ashton

Lil ballerina Ashton

Lil Cheeky Ashton


This is how Ashton throws his tantrums nowadays!
YES lie on the floor and CRY! But we cant be bothered. Just let him cry until he is tired and he will stop crying and get up! ***mean mummy***
Ashton is an iphone lover. He knows how to unlock the phone! hahahaa!
And this morning, lil Ashton finally get his butt off the floor and stood up to WALK!!!!
This silly boy thought my dad is bringing him out! He took his shoes and even went to 'shake' the gate! hahahaha! And if you realised, he was doing the "ah ah ah ah ah ah" with his hand covering his mouth! hahaha!
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