He is now 14 mths and 19 days old.
He started to walk without support at 14mth old.
He can call mama and ah ma.
He will say NEHNEH and mummum! Esp NEHNEH cause he is a milk freak!
He loves to go out, must go downstair at least once a day.
He know how to sit on the floor & stick out his foot when we wanna wear his shoe for him.
He loves to drink soup!
He loathe eating rice but loves mee sua.
He loves to sleep with bolster, esp BIG BIG bolster.
He loves to watch Barney! His current favourite character.
He hates fish oil.
He know how to do fly/thank kiss.
He will lie on the floor and cry when he is angry.
He will CLAP even when he is crying! (silly boy!)
He will sit still and stop his nonsense when I place him at his 'naughty corner'.
He like to disturb me by pulling my hair!!!
He loves to play balls (typical boy!!)
He is hyper active at home only, he is a sweet lil boy when we are outside.
I think my lil boy is currently going through TERRIBLE 2!!! Yes, he is only a year old but do you know that Terrible 2 can start almost right after their 1st birthday or even earlier? Cause they cant express themselves thus the terrible behaviour comes in when they want something, when they want to be independant, when they think they can be as independant as an adult! haha!
Okay, these are what I can think of at the moment. But it's really amazing to see how a baby grow to a toddler and how fast they learn! hahahaha!
And here are some random photos which I took during the past 2 weeks! ENJOY!
Poor Ashton, has all these rashes after his viral fever subside!

Went out to get a new water bottle for him
"Quick quick, daddy waiting alrdy"

"MUMMMYYYYYY!!!! you very slow poke! Take so much time to leave the hse!"

"I step.. and step.... and STEPPPPPP!!!!!!"

"Must walk faster, if not daddy is not going to wait for us!"

Super emo..

And also very upset..

Stilll........... Very emo and upset~

"Mummmmmyyyyy!! I bought you a loaf of bread!!!!! I clever bo??"

"Auntie, want some loti?"

"Faster go home, if not later auntie snatch loti from me"

Lil Liang teh boy!

One random evening, after Ashton's bath time, I helped him combed a rooster hair style and he got super pissed and cried very badly!!
"boooooooooo~~~~ I want back my gong gong hair la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Slowly accepting the fact..


"Mummy, can you help me comb back my gong gong hair?"

"DADDDDDDYYYYYY!!!! Mummy dont wanna help me.. PLEASE!!!!!!!!"

We're going to the town and get Ashton's foods tomorrow and also going to the Taka Baby Fair to get some stuffs for him. We've been wanting to make a trip down eversince the fair started but Ashton fell ill that time and tomorrow is the last day alrdy, hopefully can get what we need. =)
And we've collected the studio photoshoot photos. Will be uploading them in the next post. Dont wanna squeeze everything in one post, very messy. stay tune! =)
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