Last sunday, we went out early for MCD brekkie and to the last day of Taka BB fair then to Suntec!
"ehhhh how come my brekkie is taking so long to reach me?"

"Nvm, I drink water first, to ease my hunger"

Kanna forced to take pic! haha!

And Ashton loves his new water bottle though he dont really drink much water nowadays!
He hold onto his bottle throughout the journey to town. cannot take away from him, will fuss! haha!
So unglam!

Falling aslp soon~

"当男人真命苦。小的时候要替MUMMY 拿BAG,以后长大了还要替 GIRLFRIEND 拿BAG!!!"

And before we went Taka, dropped by Supernature Organic store to get some foods for Ashton!
Happybellies cereal! This boy, still having 'baby' cereal for brekkie -.-"""

Pasta and titbits for him

And we went to TAKA baby fair. It was the last day. Didnt manage to get much things as certain items I need to get, alrdy OOS. =(
So after that we went to Suntec to get his shoes.
New water bottle (AGAIN!) and Munchkin straw

Pigeon wipes and cleanser

And we finally got his shoes for him! Went to the Clarks at departmental stores but the designs are very limited, so we went to the one at Suntec. Really got lots more designs!

And back home, realised Mum has bought Ashton A new Barney sandal too!

Ashton has been going gaga over Barney! When he watchs the show, he doesnt really watch it until they starts to sing song. He will 'dance' along. HAHAH!
And because of that, recently my mum keep buying Barney stuffs for him. Like BOLSTER! And my mum was very cute! She bought him Barney bolster but Pooh's casing! Totally no link! LOL!
"mummy, you see, Ah Ma bought me Barney bolster!"

Trying to put the bolster on the table

Lying on the floor

Watching TV

Kiao Ka somemore

Doing YOGA!

Ashton loves to UNFOLD the clothes when we're folding them. And he kanna 'punished' by my Mum and Baby respectively!
Mum 'punished' him by putting on an Apron for him

But he was loving it!

While baby put on an oversized clothes on him!

Yesterday morning this clumsy boy fell on the floor and hurted his lips! He didnt really cry, only whined abit so I didnt know his lips was actually bleeding until the blood dried up!
"see my pouty lips!"

As Ashton has the bad habit of throwing tantrums whenever he dont get what he wants, I heel my fren's advice: 'setting' up a Naughty corner/tile for him!
Only few days and he seems to understand alrdy. Today's afternoon, He used a chair to push onto me, I told him to STOP but he just continue doing that and I pointed the naughty corner to him and said "Do you know what's that? That is your naughty corner, remember?" And he quickly stop his nonsense, go and play his toys, dont even dare to touch the chair!
And this evening, he was at my mum's room, messing ard, wanna go and touch the circuits and no matter how my mum persuade and pull him out, he not only refused, and also screamed back. So my mum told him "you want me to call mummy to put you in your naughty tile? Rmb your naughty corner?" Then he quickly walked out of the circuits area and walk out the room!!!!
Even my parents and baby are all amazed that such method actually helps to 'control' and discipline this naughty boy! haha!
I hope this method will continue to works =)
Crying badly..

"Are you going to save me?"

*pout* "no one is going to save me"


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