Okay, shall update on the past 1 week!
Last Sat, we went back to inlaws' place. As usual, MIL cooked nice dishes for us. After dinner, MIL & FIL played with Ashton. Can see that they really miss him alot! haha! And MIL bought a FP toy for Ashton!

And Ashton loves it to bits! haha!
Mon, I went AMK alone and while walking to the carpark outside AMK Hub to wait for baby, I tripped and fell! OMG!!!!! At that point of time, I dont feel any pain, but I felt SUPER DUPER EMBARRASED!!!! Can you imagine, AT LEAST 7-8 ppl witnessed my fall!!! Soon, baby reached, and he was worried on my wounds, I told him not to wry, cause I can take the pain. haha! Then he went to buy me yellow solution, I told him not to buy and you know what he said? he said "nvm la, next time YOU still can use mah!" -.-

Tuesday, brought Ashton to see his PD, cause he has been refusing both milk and solid food for 2 days, drink very very lil milk!!
I called up the clinic at 11.20am
Me: My baby is refusing both milk and solid food, can I bring him down now?
Nurse: where you coming down from?
Me: Hougang
Nurse: cannot leh, today Dr Ong's session until 12pm, you come tml morning
Me: So you expect my son to starve until tml morning?
Nurse: ehhh... Actually you can try to give him some bread, maybe he will eat?
Me: Dr Ong said NO bread for my son!
Nurse: okay lo, then you come down now lo... What's your son's card number?
Me: Your didnt give me his card at all, I give you his name...
Nurse: AIYA, Dont need la! you come down 1st then say!
WTH!!!! I called, for the purpose to make their job easier, and also to confirm if Ashton's PD was on duty that day, yet I received such attitude! If it was another nurse who pick up the phone, she will not give such attitude!
Then I quickly cabbed to Jac's hse and picked her, cause she just ended work and said can acc me.
Dr Ong said nothing wrong with Ashton. And he mentioned that it could highly due to Ashton is overweight, and his body is now adjusting, 'telling' himself not to eat too much, and his tummy is full of SAI! He gave him a medi to make him pass out his stools..
And Dr Ong also took out the percentile chart, and he told me that Ashton's weight is out of the percentile, as usually a 1 year old baby weighs ard 9-10kilo, while Ashton, 9mth+ only, weigh at 11.4kilo! *piak my forehead* Ashton very funny, when Dr Ong said he going to prescribe Ashton medi, Ashton keep shake his head! HAHAHA!!!
Random photos~

"mummy, can this be my arm float?"

Yummy Duckie

Future musician-to-be

On another random day, Ashton threw tantrum again!

Lotsa videos below. some are very funny! haha!
Ashton playing Peekaboo!!!
Ashton gek sai! Sibeh FUNNY!!
My mum bought this puku chair few mths before Ashton was born. But Ashton seem to be very scare of the sound! haha!
Ashton pushing the chair with mum behind.
Ashton has been very naughty, always open the drawer!! I think the drawer will be spoilt soon!
Part 2, He buay kiasi! Kiap his left hand still not scare, must kiap his right hand to balance! *piak my forehand*
He LOVES splashing water when bathing/showering!!!
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