I was chatting with Grace via msn and we talked about baby's 1st year old and shared some of my view with her. =)
Honestly, we dont even intend to give Ashton any bday party for his 1st year old. 1stly, we're low profile parents. 2ndly, Ashton will be only 1 year old, He dont even know what is a bday, shall wait for him to be ard 3year old, when he really knows what is a bday, what's a party, then we shall plan for him one.
Thus, we're going to bring him to bkk a week before his bday. To spend sometime there, shopping. To buy some clothes for him too.
FIL said 1st bday must celebrate. ehhhhhhhhh.... maybe we will go to restaurant to have a simple meal + a cake for him to blow candle, that's all.
Anw, Ashton has caught a flu last night! His mucus keep flowing down!!! My poor Ashton! He was very funny though. He played peekaboo with me! He took his blanket, covered his face, and when I said "PEEKABOO~~~~" He took down the blanket slowly and smiled at me! We played there for a few times and I'm sure he knows what's Peekaboo!
My mum's version of Peekaboo is "ahhhh Darr!" and when we said that to Ashton, he will follow "AHHHHHH DAR DAR DARRRRRR~~~~"
OMG! My Ashton has grown up! He knows how to play with us! Know what we meant! I LOVE YOU ASHTON!!!! =)
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