Monday, January 4, 2010

Lets welcome~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yesterday we went to inlaws' hse and walked to CompassPoint together. Cause FIL wanna open a new account with baby..

While they are doing the paper work at OCBC, I brought Ashton ard for a walk...

"Mummy is going to EAT you up!!!"

Pardon my ugly face! Didnt put on make up yesterday.. haha!

MIL talking to Ashton

Bought him a cheap new toy!
Dont know what rings la... Mum has been pestering me to buy this for him! LOL!

Just now we went NTUC to get his Milk and diapers.. Didnt bring him along, we locked him in the storeroom before going out...
Okay, I know, BU HAO XIAO!

3 packs of Pampers

Super big tin of Similac, 1.8kilo!!

Bought him the 1.8kilo instead of 900g one cause Ashton drink milk quite fast. the 900g tin only can last him 1 week so baby said buy the bigger tin one.. haha..

After we've done the groceries shopping, went subway for dinner and we saw an irresponsible daddy! the poor baby who is only ard a month old, didnt wear socks lo! The shopping mall was so damn cold! Even baby said he was shivering!
Okay nvm... then the guy's wife went to Q for subway takeaway and the guy waited outside with his baby who was inside the stroller. And he actually went into subway to talk to his wife, telling her what he wanted and LEFT THE BABY (WITH STROLLER) OUTSIDE!!! and is not just 1 or 2 steps away, is a DISTANCE away you know! I was right inside and so scare someone might just go over, push the stroller with baby away! What a father!
I admit, I'm not an excellent mother but at least I wont leave my baby unattended at the shopping malls, I wont feed my baby unnecessary foods! Sigh~
Okay... anw, forgot to update about one thing. I've bought Ashton's CNY clothes someday during last weekday. It's a nice one! Now, gonna hunt for mine and baby's one.. haha!

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