Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I think my lil darling has really grown up. Still a baby but definitely a big baby, no longer the infant baby alrdy..

Just now he was in his walker, walked to the door and waited for my mum as usual. Yup, he somehow knows the 'timing', ard 1.45pm he will go to the door and wait for my mum, ard 5.30pm he will go to the door and wait for his daddy..

And just now while he was waiting for my mum, an uncle walked to our door and asked if we wanna buy durians.. we dont want so he walked away. Ashton was kinda shocked to see him, and he screamed & cried out LOUD once the uncle walked off... Then I quickly went to him and calmed him down. After that, he dare not walk to the door, kept stay beside my dad. HAHA!!

He loves commercial. Whenever the TV shows commercial, his eyes will STICK to the TV! His favourite commercial is the Heineken Beer one. Whenever Heineken commercial starts, he will keep looking at the TV. There was once, I think last week, he was slping beside my mum and the Heineken commercial starts, my parents said he lifted up his head, watched the commercial, then went back to slp!!! OMG!!! haha!!

Going to Compass Point later in the evening.. la la la la la la la la~~~~~~~~~~

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