Sunday, July 5, 2009

My head is spinning, shoulder is aching!!!!!!!!!!! slp less than 6hrs in 24hrs.... going to faint alrdy~~~

Anw, yesterday we went AMK, watched Transformer.. OMG it's freaking NICE lo!!! I thought i'll fall aslp cause i was extremely TIRED!!! But the movie is so interesting that i actually said goodbye to zhou gong! haha...

right before the movie, we went NTUC to grab Pampers diaper cause offer mah... grab 4 packs M size... Yes my lil darling is wearing M size alrdy since 1 week ago!

my room is now in a mess... baby cot, sarong and lotsa lotsa things...

can anyone tell me how come i can't upload photos in blogger huh??

okay the lil rascal wake up alrdy... BYE!

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