I didn't know that confinement is so tough and stress. I used to think that confinement is the bet time that I can rest but I'm wrong!
Though Jac's mum and my family are helping me alot, by taking care of Ashton and let me have ample time to rest but I just can't rest well. I'm so stress!
Stress doesn't come from how to take care of Ashton, he's my son, of course I know his pattern and know how to take care of him. I just can't help feeling bad when my breastmilk supply isn't sufficient for Ashton that he only get 2-3 breastmilk feeds everyday and the rest have to top up by formula milk.
Each time pumping section took me 1 hour in order have enough for his 1 feed. Yes, 1 feed need me to spend 1 hour to pump!
Imagine how shagged I'm now!
During night time, I can't sleep well, waking every one hour. When I heard little noise, I'll be shocked awake and wonder if Ashton is hungry. If he cries, my heartache, but if I didn't hear his cries during midnight, I keep worry if he has "forgotten" to wake up for his milk.

Knowing that my hands were extremely tired after using the Avent MANUAL Pump, last sat, baby got me a new pump from Medela. Can be operate in both electric and battery. It really helps but still,I'm feeling extremely exhausted from breastfeeding. I really salute those mummies who can do total breastfeeding!
Last sat, Jac's mum need to attend a wedding dinner so she can't stay over to take care of Ashton. Baby is not working on Sun while Mum need to work for whole day.. So we brought Ashton back to our room that night.
It was a horrible night!!!
He woke up at 1am for milk. Okay fine.. Then 4am for milk again, NVM cause it's normal... Then after milk his eyes atill open very big wor! We don't care him just place him in the cot but he wailed so badly.
Checked his diaper, realised he poo-ed and change his diaper. Thought after that he'll sleep, who knows, his eyes even bigger!!! Open his mouth and stick out his tougue, he often do that when he's hungry. So we made him somemore milk but he don't want! Still keep wailing!!!
Baby carried him up then he stopped, put him down he cried!! OMG! He only few days old jiu know how to attract attention alrdy!
We were so shagged and finally 5.30am he fell asleep...
We thought we can rest alrdy... Who knows, 6am he woke up and wailed again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This time is for milk! Mum was preparing to go to work and she came in knowing that how Ashton tortured us and asked us to go rest and she will feed him.

Thoguht Sun we can rest well right? SRY hor! Early in the morning wake up to bring Ashton to sun-bathing cause he has slight jaundice... Poor baby carried him and they sun-bathed together! Realised there was very THICK pi sai in both sides of Ashton's nose. He kept moved around and cried when I wanna remove for him. Made him milk, baby feed him while I used the pump and babies' cotton bud to remove both sides' pi sai for him.
Cut his nails too. I didn't know I will have the guts to do all these for a newborn!!! They're so fragile... But no one dares to do all these for Ashton, I'm his mummy so all these "dirty" job are left to me!
Went back to sleep with baby and left Ashton to Jac's mum... Sleep until 2pm, I heard some noise outside then know that parents-in-laws, sis-in-law and baby's ah ma were here! Woke baby up and we 2 pandas went to the living room half-deadly...
They brought along lotsa foods for me and gifts for Ashton.
From SIL and her bf..

It was baby gift sets... Might be letting Ashton wear one of the sets during his full month..

Baby's ah ma keep "forced" me to give Ashton water but I insisted NOT giving Ashton any water until he reached 6 months.. Maybe a drip or two will do if she insisted.. But she keep say MUST give if not next time he don't like water!
You must be thinking Regina is crazy how can don;t give baby water, they might be heaty or dehydrated!
Let me explain why newborn up to 6 month old baby cannot drink water...
According to baby's paediatrician, babies DON'T NEED water, unless 1 or 2 drips per day, if give too much, will have serious consequences!! Why during our time we drink lotsa water when we're babies and nothing went wrong?
Reason: last time the formula milk we drink was very thick, and even need to use spoon to stir.. Sometimes it might not totally melt even we stir... Since the milk was thick, it's "heaty" so babies during that time need water to smoother their poopoo if not will get constipation..
But NOW, the formula milk has CHANGED! It become smoother and less thicker. When you pour the powder into the water, it will melt automatically. Which means, the formula milk is actually consider as "water supply" to babies alrdy... And their poopoo nowadays is more watery...
Giving additional water to them will cause them to suffer from LS (laosai) and worse, might cause them to have water retention! And since they alrdy have sufficient intake of water just by drinking milk, if you give them more water, will harm their kidney too! Too much water is bad for kidney too...
The above were explained to us by Ashton paediatrician (PD).
I told baby I so scare his ah ma will keep force Ashton to drink water lo! Heng MIL is understanding and hopefully she'll go explain to baby'a ah ma...
Back to the main topic...
Back to the main topic...
Yerterday, both Ashton and me had appointment for our checkups...
Mine was at 9.15am while his was at 9.45am... we were late and I gonna wait for quite long.. Baby and Jac's mum brought Ashton up to the PD's clinic to register first.. I went into the consultation room to remove stitches alone... The process was fast and painless...
Took lotsa medications back again... Then quickly went up to find them... Heng Ashton's turn not over yet...
We quite like the PD Dr Ong. He's very experience and will explain everything very detail to us... Initially Ashton's PD was another doctor but just 2 weeks before I gave birth, I read some reviews from forums and realised that PD wasn't observant and while Dr Ong is strongly recommened by lotsa parents.. So we changed his PD to Dr Ong.. Jeanalle warned us before, Dr Ong is good but the clinic waiting time is damn long and his fees are quite ex.. But baby insisted to changed even though the fees is higher and the waiting time cause he said, waiting time long means he's popular.. haha..
Dr Ong asked if we wanna do a additional blood test for Ashton to check if he has certain illnesses (choy!)... I nearly fainted when I saw the price, $117.70!!!!!!!!!! Baby did not hestitate and just agreed cause he feel that there's a need to do those tests for Ashton..
Brought him to the lab for blood test and also Jaundice blood test.. Only 1 parent allow inside so I carried him in. He wailed very very loud when the needle poke into his lil feet!!! The person squeezed hi feet to make to blood flow out!!! He not only wailed, he screamed very loud too! At that very moment, I feel so heartache!! I kinda regret letting him take the additional blood test lo..
His jaundice has drop to 8.9 which is good anddon't need anymore sun-bathing... Just observe if he turn yellow this few days...
Oh ya, Before we went out, Ashton's umbilicol cord dropped while bathing!!!
Baby rushed to the kitchen and said "BABY!!!!!!!!!! kaikai's belly button dropped alrdy!!!!!!!!!!"
I was nearly shocked to death! BELLY BUTTON DROPPED??????????????????? Then realised he's refering to the umbilicol cord la!!
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