Monday, June 1, 2009

BB's baby cot is ready!!! We sterilised his baby cot on sat night with dettol as this is a pass down baby cot from baby's aunt...
He's so lucky lo... We somehow "over-shopped" for his stuffs and ended up he's got 2 sets of pillow, bolster & beanbag! Mum said nvm, so that BB can sleep in her room.. LOL
She said during my confinement, she'll bring BB to sleep with her at night... Baobao, you see, your nainai so dote you, keep snatching to take care of you despite having to wake up at 5.30am every morning for work... =)


We went for our "last" partor-ing! Cause after BB is born, we'll go out as a family, no longer couple liao.. haha...

We went out as early at 10.30pm. Went to Ave 8 Mac for Big Breakfast! It's been so long since I last ate Big Breakfast liao lo...

After that we went to Bugis there to pray to Guanyin then shopped around at Bugis... Bought myself 2 more front button pyjamas outside the temple. Got hello kitty design somemore lo, I was able to grab the last piece hello kitty HAHA!! Didn't get those ex one from shopping centre cause I won't be wearing those pyjamas anymore after my confinement so no point investing.. haha...

Once we reached Bugis, the 1st place we went is to take Neo-Print stickers! Despite being together for nearly 3 years, we've nottaken any neo-prints stickers before, only those love-getty cards..

We were like so sua ku lo! Dunno which machine is for what de... Baby even worse! Before he "dong" the coins, kept asked "this one looks like card de leh... is sticker meh? can paste de meh?"

Then I told him we must cut the photo our ourselves and though it looks like card but it's sticker!!!

Can't blame him la, he's going to become uncle liao HAHA!!!!!!

Didn't manage to upload the neo-print cause desktop was down!!!

Went over to PS... Bought some stuffs from Diaso... We're forever going to Diaso whenever we go to PS or Vivo.. haha...

Also went to the HwaXia swimming centre to see other babies swimming in the tub. So cute lo those babies... Baby said next time when BB is older, maybe 3mths old like that, can bring him there to swim swim... hee...

MOS Burger for lunch...

After MOS Burger, we hopped over to Ice Monster to have the mix fruits shave ice... WOW so yummy lo!!!! I think the next time I can get to eat cold food is at least 40days after I give birth. haha...

Went to Compass Point cause I wanna get a nursing shawl... Initially wanna buy the cheapest one cause I dunno how long I can breastfeed BB as breastfeeding isn't easy, I doubt I can do it for more than a month... Maybe only for a few days??

Anyway, got another nursing shawl cause the material is much more better and even I don't breastfeed BB, it can also be used as BB's blanket...

Dined at Swensen after all the shoppings... Actually our main motive was the ice-cream but the queue was so long so after queuing for sometime, we decided to have our dinner there also, if not very wasted leh, queue so long yet only eat the ice-cream... LOL!

My chicken mushroom spaghetti!

Baby's chicken baked rice!

Yesterday, I slurp all the big breakfast, MOS burger, Ice monster, Spaghetti, ice cream CLEAN CLEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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