Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's 2.10am now and I think I'M REALLY MAD!!!

I suddenly feel so hungry that I can't even keep still or quiet! Keep talking to baby telling how hungry I'm feeling! BB keep kicking me non-stop and made me feel even more hungry!

Baby volunteered to go and buy food for me but the kay-siao me keep say "don't want la now so late alrdy you go sleep, once I fall aslp won't feel hungry alrdy..." But hor the hungrier I get, the more "alert" I am!!!

Baby bth and he's now out to kovan to tabao nasi lemak or bak chor mee for me...

I don't know what's wrong la... Remember the fish&chips I mentioned on the previous entry? I had that at yesterday 2pm ++ and we went out for chk rice at 5pm++ and at around evening time ard 7pm++ I had 3 kuays from bangawan solo and some sushi!!!!!!!!!! Thought can "tong" until tomorrow morning lo but now still hungry.... sob....

I must really do something to my FATS after giving birth and of cause after my confinement la... hehe....

Btw, had a haircut before dinner yesterday... I cut my hair until the shoulder length.. hmm maybe 1-2 inches below my shoulder but definitely the shortest I've ever cut since many many years... I even told the lady to cut as short as possible as long as I still can tie it up and also, as thin as possible!!!

Now I feel so relax cause my hair is so light lo... But I loathe looking into the mirror!!! I think even baby feel weird too haha... He asked me "you are going for rebonding after you finish your confinement right?" I replied "YES OF CAUSE!!!" He looked relieve after my reply. HAHA!!!!!

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