Friday, May 8, 2009

Last night had a big quarrel with my mum. Baby also bth her..

Story starts here:

Cause of my pathetic pipi, I have given up giving birth naturally as both my family doctor and gynae said the situation will worsen if i take up normal delivery. Though my gynae keep encourage me to try normal delivery 1st but the super hum and timid me decided to go straight to c-sect after some discussions with my family and close friends.

Before I went for checkup yesterday, I asked mum, should we go find a geomancer to choose a good date for the OP, she said don't need. Just choose a date which Jac's mum will be available as she'll be doing confinement for me. And she also ask me not to be so pantang about the date.

So yesterday DrSim asked me if I wanna go back and choose a date, I told her don't need, just leave it to her. So we settled on 2June. Initially we wanted to choose 3June cause we find 3rd more meaningful to us but DrSim will be on leave.

My kanchiong mummy called me even before I left the clinic.. Told her the date and she screamed like hell, asking why so fast? What if Jac's mum can't make it how? I told her the 1st few days we will try to handle.


She called again, telling me that 2June is not a good day cause it "chong" monkey (zodiac) and baby and dad's zodiac is monkey! She asked me to choose 4June cause good for Dragon, which is my zodiac. Or even 8June cause good for monkey.

I told her cannot choose too late cause what if my contraction comes before that? But she insisted me changing..

When we reached home, she kept look at the chinese calander and see which day is better. Waopiang I don't think she knows how to see lo. She only want me to choose a day which Jac's mum confirm plus chop can help me from the 1st day I discharge as she keep mention "I WILL NOT GIVE UP MORE THAN 1 DAY OF WORK JUST TO HELP U LOOK AFTER BABY!"

It's so sad when a mother said that to her daughter! And from the start, I DON'T expect her to take any off-days during my confinement!!!

She got so angry when she heard me complaining to baby & Jac in my room. She dashed in and scolded me, saying that if I don't appreciate her kindness for looking a good day for delivery then just go ahead and delivery on 2June!

It's not that I don't appreciate! But how much she knows? Just by looking at the calender, she knows everything? She asked me just go ahead on 2June if I don't trust her but since she already keep saying that 2nd is a bad day, how can I go ahead?

You know la, human are like that, if you dunno, nvm. but once someone told you sth bad, no matter if it's true anot, will tend to think alot.


So this morning I calledup my gynae'sclinic wanting to change the date to 4june. The nurse told me from 3rd, my gynae will be on leave and maybe will go overseas if swine flu is stable.

As we're really running out of ideas alrdy, MIL asked someone to choose a date for us. Either 1st or 2nd. And also asked if 2nd is really bad to give birth.

It turned out to be, 2nd is NOT a bad day to give birth. NORMAL! Though it sayd "chong" monkey but it's in a sense that monkey shdn't get married on that day and nothing to do with giving birth!

But if compared with 1st, 1st will be a better day for giving birth...

Am still thinking of which day to choose. So confusing!!!!

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