Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm just back from my family doctor clinic.

My pipi was damn painful that I cannot tahan anymore!

Mum acc me to see my family doctor but this time I consult the female doctor instead of the male whom I usually consult. Cause pipi pain mah how can see male doctor? So paiseh! LOL!

When we reached, all the clinic assistants were on surgical masks. They took my temperature and asked if I went overseas recently, then mum answered back "she pregnant how to go overseas?" Then you know what the lady replied my mum??

She said "She haven reach 7th month pregnant still can go overseas ah!"

I so feel like fainted at that moment and mum nearly burst out with laughter! I told that lady I'm alrdy 8 month plus pregnant le and she was so shocked and look at my tummy and said "HUH! 8 month? But why still so small?"

Mum then joined her "very small hor?? I also think so leh... Alot people say so... dunno why leh"

Why is everyone saying my tummy small? Saying my BB's weight is light? I only hope BB is healthy! As long as healthy, I'm satisfy already =D

Okay we waited for an hour before we see the doctor. Can you imagine my pipi is already so painful and I gonna sit down for an hour?

When my name was finally called,we went in and doctor asked me to take a seat I told her "it's okay!" LOL!!!!

My pipi was being checked and I was told that it's pretty common during pregnancy and also told not to gek sai anymore! LOL!!!!!!

Was given some cream and syrup to drink. hehe...

Baby is back and pass me the admission letter from TMC! TMC actually sent out the admission letter so soon. LOL!

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