The batter

After 50 minutes of baking.........
Looks abit ugly here... Machiam earthquake

This side looks better but my bro commented that it looks like a BURGER! LOL!

But still, it taste yummy =)

3 Sept - Ashton MMRV vaccine!
We let Ashton took the MMRV instead of normal MMR as advised by his pd during the previous visit. He said it saves times and pain.
FYI, MMRV contains both MMR and Chicken box vaccine.
"ah ma, where are you bringing me to???"

*sense sth not right* "AH MA!!! I DONT WANT TO GO!!!!!"

End up my mum had to carry him -.-"

That day, Dr Ong wasnt ard. He was on leave (waolao, every mth on leave one!) Worse is, When I called up to book appt, the nurse told me Dr Ong will be ard! So we see Dr Koh instead. Lucky, Dr Koh is as detailed as Dr Ong, he ans all my doubts and also explained very clearly regarding the MMRV booster, when to take is better for the kid etc etc...
And my Ashton, very cheeky.. The nurse was doing some packing on the medications oustide the consultation room and he offered to help!
"Mummy said vaccinations is very ex... So I must help nurse jiejie to pack the medi, see if they will give some discount anot.."

We were told that Ashton will get fever 5-7 days after the MMRV. But amazingly, he got fever on the following morning. Lucky it was mild one but his appetite dropped.
See... Meesua still left so much..

And this boy, he also do silly things! As his temperature rise, he feel hot and he just lie on the floor whenever he has fever or feel hot!
"The floor very cooling, lie here my body will liang liang"

"Made my right face liang liang 1st"

"Then my left face also..."

3 minutes later........
HE CHANGED SPOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was VERY hungry but the porridge was still very hot, told him to wait for 5minutes and he cried very badly.. poor boy.. LOL!
Pushed the box ard and kiap his toes!
During Lunar 7th month, my parents got the pail of food and Ashton was busy and happily searching what suits him -.-"
Loitering ard at the void deck
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