He fell but he didnt cry, instead he keep trying. I thinkk just last night, he fell and stood up, fall and stood up for at least 20 times! I think he didnt feeel dishearted at all from all the fallings might be due to our encouragement. Some parents might go "orh!" "oh dear" "r u okay?" when their toddlers fall while learning walking. But we dont.
We still clap and cheer for him despite him falling. Cause we feeel that falling down is parts and parcels of life, there is no need to go "orh!" "aiyo!" over falling, esp when they are learning walking. Who learns w/o falling? It is not the matter of walking fast or slow, learning fast or slow, it's the matter of confidence. I would rather he go slow and steady but full of confidence next time. Do you agree with me? =)
Here is a video of Ashton Darling walking w/o support. Okay, I know I looked retarded but stretching my hands all out, just ignore me! haha!
During the past 2 weeks, nothing much happens. Just random shoppings, taking care of Ashton and also during 1 random saturday, I met up with some of the Nocians and atteneded Fion's girl Andrea's 1st birthday. Andrea is sucha sweet girl! Ashton seen her twice and each time, he will go gaga over her! Trying to sayang and talk to her but Andrea just totally bo chap him! HAHAHAHA!!!
Okay, I know nowadays my blog updates has become more and more RANDOM! But what to do? I old liaooo, memory falling, difficult for me to do proper updates frequently. hahahahahaha!!!!!
During the photoshoot

Wear until so neat but still crawling ard.. tsk!

At Ikea...

And wed we went to town...

He will wait at the door for ahma to come back daily...

"oh! ahma come back alrdy!!!"

"mummy, quick go get the keys and open the door for ahma!"

Ashton having his brekkie!
Trying to put the phone on his ear when I said "HELLOOOOOOOOOO~~~~~"
And this is how he damage my keyboard!
We are going back to inlaws place for dinner tonight. Hopefully I'm able to do some updates again tonight =)
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