Many babies know how to clap at the age of 7-8mths old. My Ashton is slower. Or shall I say he is lazy? He only clapped when we were at a blind spot watching him. But now, he will clap and laugh when we ask him to or when we praise him!
We're totally going gaga over him! haha!
Last friday, we brought him to Mt A for his 4th (last) pneumococal jab. Dad sent us there and offer to wait for us!!! This is the 1st time okay!!! He really dotes Ashton alot!! Cause the waiting time was very long. We reached there before 4pm as our appt was 4pm, and we left the clinic at 5pm! But dad ust accompanied us without any complains. haha..
Upon going into the consultation room, Dr Ong sang 'Happy Birthday' song to Ashton cause Ashton's bday just passed, and he gave him a small pack of Graduate stars puff too. haha.
As usual, my lil darling cried once the needle poked into his thigh. Before his turn, he heard babies crying due to jabs or rotarix syrup, he will turned ard and screamed back. And he said a baby taking the rotarix syrup and wailed badly, he LAUGHED at the lil baby! Sibeh naughty! So when he cried aft the jab, mum and me laughed at him! haha!
Lil pirate!

"what's that on my head???"

"is this a bowl?"

And last weekend, I got nothing better to do so I decided to clip a hairclip on Ashton's hair, to see how he will look like. haha!

"I saw something delicious!"

"check check.... See daddy mummy ard anot...."

"okay, they not ard... can 'eat' liaooo..."


"eat somemore..."

The bday gift baby bought for Ashton!

"here is my new 'carcar'!!!"

Monday, My mum gave Ashton a banana.

Ashton watching his favourite Gatsby adv! haha!
Daddy holding Ashton, walking to the bathroom
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