Yesterday morning he was still acting fine. but from 11am onwards, his body suddenly become very warm. Mother instinct tells me that something was not right. Measured his temp, it was 37.4. an hour later, it shot up to 37.6. Fed him paracemetol and 2 hrs later the temp not only didnt decrease but increase to 37.9. By 7.30pm, his temp was still hanging ard there.
We tried pasting the fever patch on his forehead but he just hate it to the max!

In the end bo bian, we used velcro to 'tape' the patch on his head to prevent him taking out.

As we were using armpit thermometer and Ashton kept struggling, so baby went out to get a Bruan Thermometer at 9pm. Bro helped me with Ashton while I was doing other stuffs. Then suddenly bro called me and said Ashton dont look 'right'!
He suddenly become very very restless. We place him on the bed, he just fell on the bed and lie there motionless. We called him he also didnt respond, just stare at the ceiling.
Once baby was back, we measured his temp again and it readed 39.7!!!!!!! We were shocked and bro and baby said must bring him to hospital immediately alrdy. 39.7 is way too far for a baby.
We quickly packed everything while bro helped us to feed Ashton milk. And while packing, my dad sent my mum home. They knew we're sending Ashton to hospital and dad didnt go back to work, instead he waited for Mum to shower and send her to hospital to meet us. Before we go out, Ashton even merlioned all his milk and medications!
After a quick pack, we quickly send Ashton to Mt A. Lucky during that time, Packing lot is easy to find. Registered for him and was told to wait in the isolation room for a nurse to 'checked' on him. After the nurse checked on him, he (ya, a male nurse), asked if we need to call back any doctor or just let him see the doctor-in-charge there. We asked him to call for Dr Ong. He said the prices will be much more difference if we insist calling Dr Ong back but who cares? At that point of time, my son's life is much more impt! Baby immediately agree and asked him to call Dr Ong aft I signed the documents.
30 Minutes later, the nurse came back to the isolation room and told us despite calling for 30min, Dr Ong didnt answer the call and asked is it okay to let Ashton see the doc-in-charge? Bo bian, we though just to let him see any doc there 1st. Lucky, 5min later the nurse told us Dr Ong called back and said he is on his way alrdy.
When Dr Ong reached and checked on Ashton. He said it is not infection. Cause I was very wry if it's viral infection. But he said so far, he didnt detect any infection. And his fever was caused by flu.
We also updated him that Ashton is teething. 8 teeth erupting at the same time. YES, you didnt read wrongly, is 8 TEETH!!!!! But Dr Ong insisted that teething will NOT cause fever, told us dont listen to old wives tales.
And he told us to monitor his temp, if till friday his temp still hit 39, must admit him in hospital for 'holiday' -.-||
After the short consultation, we headed to the cashier to wait for payment. Dad and mum brought Ashton back home 1st as he was pretty tired.
At the isolation room

Watching cartoon network

Ashton was thig 'blur' last night.

In fact, before we leave the house, he was much more BLUR!
Cranky Cranky~

Finally fell aslp!

Until now, Ashton's fever is still going up and down, hopefully the flu and fever will fully go off by end of this week and no more other illness =)
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