Anw we changed our BKK trip to KL trip due to the political issue running on at BKK earlier on. Was pretty dissappointed but no choice cause the area we booked our hotel at was being closed.
KL trip was great too. We enjoyed ourselves though there wasnt much things that suit us during our shopping sprees.
ANd........................... I'm going to blog about our KL trip NOW! haha!
20 May
We woke up as early as 5.30am cause the flight was 9.10am and we were to reach airport at ard 7am.
I prepared myself, Ashton's diaper bag, woke the father and son up, prepared and changed Ashton. He dont wanna drink any milk! So we just gave him some bread.

This is supposed to be a nice photo but BABY WHY DIDNT YOU LOOK AT THE CAMERA?!

Departin via Airasia

Only 1 bag belonged to Nic & Jac, the rest were our's!

"mummy, can you stop all this silly acts?"

"yiyi, are you going to check in me later?"

"godpa said must weigh me 1st, in case I overweight, cannot check in"

Water parade!

Brekkie at Mac before we leave

Very happy cause he thought he will be having mac too. haha!

Pictures with Uncle Ronald before we leave

Finally board on plane

Ashton cried kinda badly during departing and landing. Think shd be the ear pressure and also, we dont allow him to chew the 'menu' which made him more angry.
Reaching KL...

On the way to hotel..

Reached the hotel..

Ashton pee on the reception counter -.-"

The hotel staff only gave us 1 room 1st as the other room was still on the process of cleaning up.
Ashton riding on 'horse' HAHA!

Testing on the bed..

After unpacking and bathing Ashton, we headed down to the restaurant at level 2 for dimsum buffet. But it was quite disappointing, in both the services and foods.

"mummy, where's my share?"

"Nvm.... I play the chair 1st..."

After our lunch, we headed to Times Square for shopping. And after shopping for a short few hrs, we all cannot tahan liaoo, cos Ashton dont wanna to be in the carrier and we all gonna take turn to carry him. So we went to buy him an umbrella stroller.
"daddy, I think this one buay pai!"

"uncle, this one how much?"

"can sell us cheaper anot? Sell us RM150 can liao la..."

In the end, we got the stroller at RM150! haha! It is VERY stable! Those umbrella stoller I saw in SG are CHEAP but Ashton cannot sit in it cos the stroller will look as if it is going to spilt into 2 anytime, while this is much more stable. haha!
After shopping, we went back to the hotel to get some short rest before heading out for dinner.
Ashton enjoying his biscuits

We brought along Ashton pooh plushie and he kept bite its nose! Bite until the nose turn BLACK! Yes, it turned dirty!!! Poor pooh pooh!!!

The Loots of day 1!

Mr Nic waiting for us patiently while baby entertaining Ashton

After that we went back to the hotel again, unload our shopping bags, rest for awhile before we headed out for dinner.
After having a not-so-nice and not-so-cheap lunch, we decided we shd go for some cheap and nice foods at the roadside.

and all were so YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See, we cleared the plates! haha!

Loots of day 1
Masks from TheFaceShop. It was dirt cheap after all the discount!

Makeup cleanser and blusher

The cheap cheap umbrella.. haha..

Tops & dresses, one of it belongs to Jac

Left side belongs to Jac and right side Redoxens and mascara belong to me =)

For baby..

Baby's LOVE!!! He bought another 2 boxes on day 2!

Bedroom slippers for Ashton! Damn kawaii!

Day 2
As the room the 3 of us stayed wasnt good. hmmmm we or in fact ME, kept hearing some weird sounds. u know those dolls' laughters? yeah something like that. Not to scare you but I really heard that, we off the TV and baby, Jac & Nic, 3 of them also heard the same thing! and the most scary part was, our next door was EMPTY! That room was supposed to be jac's but they changed room cause the room was small. and since the room was empty, how come got such laughters come from it?
So, we requested to change room the next morning. We change to he one next to Jac's. It was connecting rooms, much more convenient for us actually..

And while baby went down to the reception to change the keys, he didnt close the door properly and nuaghty Ashton crawled out of the room when I turned ard to pack our things! Lucky I spotted it, if not I think he has been kanna kidnapped alrdy!
"mummy, this room is better, much more spacious!"

"ehhhh, doraemon is which channel huh??"

"hello, help me leh!!!"

After unpacking at our new room, we headed to A&W for brekkie! A&W, Singapore no longer has it!

This crazy man, always doing all these crazy things! LOL!

Ashton had his brekkie while the couple went to order the food for us.

The foods and drinks~

ehhh I somehow look sleepy in this pic. haha!

If you notice, Ashton has fallen aslp after his brekkie.


Baby enjoying his foodssssssss

Ignore my sickening pimples, thk you! =)

Fussy boy woke up alrdy!

This is a nice pic!

as well as this..=)

This is YUMMY! an HUGE too! LOL!

Ashton wanna *bang* you!

Time Square Cosmo Theme park in the afternoon..

We let Ashton enjoyed the kiddy rides 1st before Jac and Me went for the others.

The other 2 'kiddies'


"mummy punished me, asked me pull my ears"

"must pull untill she finished her ride"

And we let Ashton do the wax thingy on his foot.

The wax thingy have to wait kinda long so Jac went for another ride. I didnt dare to join, cause it is 360 degree UNSIDE DOWN!

You see, aft that she still can smile! LOL!

After ard 30min, finally the foot wax is ready...


I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!

After cosmo, baby and me brought Ashton back to otel 1st and we bought a cake back to hotel. After that I told Jac when they were back and she toldme, they also bought a cake back! From the SAME cake shop somemore! haha!

Loots of the day..
Bought a backpack for Ashton

A barney which will sing

Bag for myself


My tiramisu cake..

post-celebrate my bday for me..

Ashon KO right before we going to cut the cake. haha!

2 unglam char bo eating cake! LOL!

Day 3...
Ashton really loves his daddy...
see below....

so lovely hor??

Jac and Nic packed brekkie back the hotel cos it was raining outside so we didnt want to bring Ashton out.
And they packed very delicious Nasi Lemak back!

After brekkie and after the rain simmered down, we went to Sunway Pyramid.

Once we reached, the 1st thing I bought was a Mickey helium balloon for Ashton! I'm totally going gaga over helium balloons! haha!

FOS to SHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We bought plenty of titbits from Jusco.. And Ashton had a fun time playing with them!

Loots from FOS
Jacket for Ashton


Polos for baby..

Top and casual bottom for me..

And I bought more masks from FaceShop!

This was the best food I ate at KL la!!!

Esp the sauce, damn shiok!

Back to the hotel and we pre-celebrate Ashton's 1st bday!

Day 4

Yeah... Going home lo.....

Before we go to the airport, we went to BB Plaza 1st to buy some local delights back.

Ashton behaved VERY well during deprating this tim BUT he cried during the last 30min.. All the way till the plane landed! He kept crying and cant drink any water. So we gonna POUR the water into his mouth, make him swallow in order to let him feel better. Poor him, cried until slp =(
Did you realise most of the photos are very well taken?? Cause 90% of the photos were taken by Jac's new love.

It is sucha a good camera that it captured Ashton's movements very well!!!!! Thks them for sharing! =)
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