Monday, March 1, 2010

This morning supposed to meet up with the girls, but Ashton had this 'sudden' appt, sorry babes =(

Brought Ashton to hospital for his flu vaccine. This time he did not cry!! OMG! He broke his own record!

I was still saying he confirm will cry then Dr Ong said he think Ashton wont cry cause he very 'solid', too much meat alrdy.

Mum and I checked with Dr Ong if it is okay to bring Ashton to BKK on May, he said it's okay, as long as we bring along the necessary medications... And we were also told not to apply too much ru yi oil on his tummy, cause his tummy area is VERY dry!!! I didnt know ru yi oil will cause dryness.. Stupid me still go asked Dr Ong "but i scare later the wind go inside" he then told us actually wind dont go into the tummy through belly button, it goes into the tummy through mouth! Lucky mum went with me if not she wont believe lo.. LOL!!!

Does Ashton has fever? hmmmm so far so good... Still monitoring, hopefully he wont get any *keep my finger crossed*

Next jab will be on April, then june his 1 year old pneumoccocal jab. =)

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