Thursday, February 25, 2010

Remember I've been wanting to get Ashton a swimming tub? Finally, few days ago we bought him one!


We have not really let him swim yet. That night he was very tired alrdy so we only pump it to try if the tub is okay. Cause previously we bought a pumpable gym for him at Carrefour, didnt try until recently and it has HOLES at dont know where?!

And yesterday, Step brought her lil fufu (Braedon) to my place. The 2 babies got so amaze upon knowing each other's presence! LOL!

Lil Braedon

Braedon: mummy, auntie reg gave me and korkor angbaos

Ashton: how come my mummy gave you angbao?

Naughty Ashton kept crawled onto Braedon!!!


Braedon: auntie reg, ashton korkor bully me!

Ashton: no, mama! I'm just trying to sayang didi!

*touch touch auntie step's shorts*

Braedon: DONT TOUCH MY MUMMY!!! give you my super ultra kick + slap!

Ermmmm okay.... I've a video of these two babies and it is now slowly uploading in youtube! Will either post in up in the next entry or edit into this post. HAHA!

Btw I'm thinking if I shd get Ashton a new walker. i'm super anti walker and really hate him zooming ard in the hse! It is dangerous! esp when he keeps pull and take things! But my mum, baby they ALWAYS place him in the walker whenever I leave him under their care. And now this boy is so loving his walker! OMG!!

and his current one, very small for him, the highest height I set, is 'just nice' only, in fact, can be higher. Step told me Braedon's walker can set higher than Ashton's current one. And I'm thinking if I shd get it for him. But $89.90!!!

WTH! baby stuffs all so ex! TSK!

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