Another month has passed. Ashton is now 8th month old. As usual, he never fail to amaze us with his new stunts daily.
- still drinking 210ml milk each time, 4 times per day
- 1 cereal & 1 porridge per day other than milk
- can finish 1 whole bowl of porridge
- can stand with support for a few seconds
- love to mess up anything and everything he sees
- love to crawl on our body
- diffi to carry him cause he always loves to wriggle ard
- learning how to crawl but currently only know how to wriggle
- loves to slp in his stroller
- loves to watch commercial, esp HEINEKEN, Calrsberg, Tiger BEER -.-"""
- love to watch 'your baby can read'
- for cartoon, currently only loves Tom & Jerry
- sometimes will do the 'gong xi gong xi' sign, depending on his mood
- super lazy, dont wanna learn how to wave and clap -.-"
I hope and pray that Ashton will be a healthy boy! PLEASE!!!
Mummy loves you =)
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