Cause I finally got myself a new phone and finally get my hair rebonded!!!

SE Aino!

Bought Aino instead of Satio cause the price is $200 difference!!! haha!!
Yesterday went AMKHub to meet Jac & Nic. Cause they wanna sign Singtel plan too. They got the same phone as me but both of them bought black color.
BumbleBee & MooMoo costumes for Ashton!!

Security Huggy for Ashton too!
So far I'm quite satisfied with it esp my FRINGE! I was quite shocked when the boss, Georgie cut my hair for me. Cause he told me before he will get his staff to cut for me cause he will charge a hiher price if he cut for me..
He asked if I wanna cut my fringe slant as usual or straight. I cant make up my mind so he decided for me. cut it straight abit but abit slant at the same time. and cut away more fringe cos he said my fringe too little alrdy, not nice...
This is the VERY 1ST time I totally leave my hair to the hairstylist without asking "how are you going to cut for me?" "I want like this, like that" I totally leave my head/hair to him. haha!
Jac & Nic are very kind. They waited for me after getting their stuffs. Baby was at home taking care Ashton. We really need a car seat!! So baby can fetch me to and fro when I'm going out HAHA!!!
Anw, I'm down with flu & cough. All thanks to the rain on friday! In order not to let Ashton catch any rain, I kanna 'pour' by the heavy rain and these 2 days suffer from bad headache and last night onwards flu and cough! THANK YOU!!!
Ashton lying in Javier's rocker chair!
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