Monday we went all the way to City Square Mall to look for the food jar and thermal bottle i want. Still cant manage to find the food jar I want. But the staff there is very good, he helped me to order and reserve for me. Hopefully the food jar will reach asap! haha!
Bought Zojirushi thermal bottle, Pigeon spout top & NUK pacifier for Ashton

Baby bought me Anderson ice cream before we headed to the carpark and I ate it on the way back. Ashton kept wanna grab the ice cream. I fed baby the ice cream when it was red light and Ashton super angried! Cause I fed his daddy but dont wanna give him any. haha!
REcently Ashton has a very weird slping habit! We will let him slp on his back but when we wake up at the middlen of night, he will either slp on his side or even tummy. He loves slping on his tummy at NIGHT. haha...
Cute slping position! See his butt, qiao qiao one.. haha!

This afternoon, met up with Jac and we brought Ashton to the town as mentioned!
Dad went to visit my grandma at ard 11am so I was left at home with Ashton. I gonna make him slp so I can pack the stuffs..
When he was awake, I place him in his new 'playground'... Set up his lil 'playground' between the sofa and coffee table so I can use my lappie and play with him at the same time! haha!!
Ashton lil playground! Playing with toys while I packed his things!
Ashton lil playground! Playing with toys while I packed his things!


"a lil smile for you!"

We went there by bus and train. Jac carried Ashton while I carried the stroller and diaper bag to the bus.
Kaypo Ashton keep look outside the window!

Force him to turn ard!! HAHA!!!

Force him to turn ard!! HAHA!!!

His 1st time taking train!!! haha!!! Slping inside somemore!

While he wsa slping, we camwhore as usual! LOL!

While he wsa slping, we camwhore as usual! LOL!
Anw, today was a great one! Cause we bought bought many things, esp me!! I have finally settled Ashton and baby's Xmas gifts!!! I found Ashton gift at Toys'R'us!!! I have been wanting to get that for him and I finally found the last one, all thanks to a staff there! And I got the membercard alrdy. Next time can go there buy toys! hehe..
On top of that, I also bought him 2 more gifts. 1 is the pooh plushie below another hehehehe... Okay, the other 1 gifts I will post up after or on Xmas day itself. Cause copy cat is out to the town alrdy~~ TSK!!! haha!!!
Piglet for me, Pooh for Ashton!!!
Piglet for me, Pooh for Ashton!!!
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