Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's been many days since I last updated. Too many things happened and I have to slowly recall back...

Last thursday Stephanie brought Braedon to my place. OMG Braedon win alrdy, my Ashton lose liao haha!! He is only 3 mth old and he is 7 kilo alrdy!! Ashton is 5mth old but he is 'only' 8.4kilo. haha!

Step bought a pack of MamyPoko diaper for Ashton cause I told her before I wanna try Mamypoko. And I gave her a pack of Pampers L size. Did I mention before? Ashton is too fat alrdy, now he cannot fit nicely in L size diaper. But I stock up a few packs of Pampers so he is now using the last pack while the other was given to Step alrdy. The mamypoko Step bought is L size but amazingly, Mamypoko's cutting is slightly bigger, I think ard 1inch bigger than Pampers.

Braedon also very big right? He is catching up very fast!



Looks like the 2 babies are quite talkative. And they seemed to be 'hitting' each other haha!

I always put Ashton on my bed to slp with me whenever baby set off to work. And nowadays Ashton will flip to my side (cause I'm slping on his right) and wake me up by pulling my shirt, licking my hands and call me...

Nothing beats seeing my son's face every morning....

....with a smile!

"mummy, I want milk milk"

"oh PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEE!!!! I'm going to die of hunger soooon..."

That day I bought a big pack of gummies from minitoons. Ashton see alrdy buay tahan! Kepp stick out his tongue!! He even rolled to the pack of gummies, looked at it, grabbed it, put the pack into his mouth!!

"wow... gummies leh... I want the red gummy bear!"

"it's getting nearer. Grab it!"

"put into my mouth!"



"mummy, can we pompom alrdy?"

"Do I look cool with my Gucci shade?"

Playing with ah yi

"daddy, let me slp can?"

That day Ashton vomited his milk, but he swallowed it back again! OMG! I told baby and baby asked him "Why you 吐出来又吞进去??" And Ashton kept laughing when we said "吐出来吞进去" We really dont know what's so funny about this 6 chinese words! Dont believe? Play the video below! haha!



The rest are all videos!

Look at his butt aft he flipped!! haha!!

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