This difficult boy still wailing so badly from evening till just now (ard 10pm ++).. Fed him milk, pacifier, pat him and done whatever we could but he just can't stop wailing. Even mum also feel weird.. We then realised that his tummy was so HARD! Hard like a rock!!!
Mum applied some ru yi oil on his tummy and this kinda soothed him down abit... Awhile later, mum put him onto the cot and he start wailing loudly again.. no choice, we gonna take turns to carry him..
I know it's not very good to keep carrying him but what to do? He wailed until his face was so red and rejected everything...
Baby and me suspect the wailing and hard tummy might be due to colic as he has almost ALL the symptons. Oh my buddha! Please bless my precious son with good health! I hope we're thinking too much and Ashton is NOT down with colic or whatever illnesses... If someone has to be ill, let me be the one!
Our lil bundle of joy =)

Sleep also got so many pattern..
Today is Ashton's 12th day old. Mum gave Ashton an ang bao and a baby gift set...

I don't why but Ashton love to sleep on his right face.. I don't know if this will make his head shape unbalance so baby went to kiddy palace and got him something to support his head as he's still too young for those dimple pillow we bought for him earlier...
He hates the head supporter! Cause it restricts his head movements.. No choice, gonna take it out and maybe slowly introduce it to him...

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