Thursday, May 21, 2009

Yesterday went checkup... BB is only weighing at 2.2kilo =( He only gained 300grams lo... I've been eating durian regularly for the pass few weeks but seems like my effort is kinda wasted =(

Dr Sim said his weight is consider normal but since I'm going for c-sect then can try to eat more meat to make him grow bigger... Heard that beef will make BB bigger??? hee...

Lotsa people say babies' weight and size depends on mummies.. BUT I belong to big size leh why my BB so small?? Or izzit follow the size when I was born??? Cause I was only less than 2.5kg when borned... My fats comes later LOL!!!

After checkup, cabbed down AMK HUB with Mum & Jac... Met BH there too... He treated us ate Durian pancake... Aiya he actually wanna treat BB not me lo LOL!! Feel like slapping him whenever he look at my tummy and call BB "ah niu!" haha....

Went NTUC shopping... My cute mother saw this lil chair and when you sit on it, it will goes "quuaaaaccccKKKKKkkkkkkkkk................" She immediately take and put inside the trolley... She said buy for BB and when he 1 year old like that can sit and our house will goes "quaaaacckkkkkkkkkkkk............" The chair looks simple accept the cartoon character but it cost $22.90!!!

Awhile later, baby came to meet us after his work... Waopiang, once he reached hor jiu gay with BH liao. BTH!!!! That BH, forever wanna seduce my husband leh... tsk tsk tsk... haha.....

I told mum that few days ago I dreamt of BB sit inside the rice bucket and when I carry him out, he poo-poo inside alrdy... Then mum went to buy my IC no cause I had such dream and I'm giving birth soon + my bday just passed...

And she really tio 4D last night lo!!! She sayang my tummy and say BB so dong shi cause mum has spent quite some money to buy a washing machine and heater to be install in her room so BB can bathe in her room... LOL!

Once BB is out, no one at home dote me liao everyone will dote BB more.. LOL!!

Going out to compass point later for dinner. I want to eat the FISH SOUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And kiddy palace for some last min shopping!!!

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