Monday, May 25, 2009

My tummy seems to get lower and lower... Could it be BB's head alrdy engage into my pelvis? Does it mean I'll be having labour contraction soon? Does it mean that I'm going into labour anytime soon???

We keep telling BB to TONG until the day of c-sect... If not Emergency C-sect might be more ex. Baby asked me why I'm so sure that Emergency C-sect will be more ex.. I told him, everything link to "emergency" "last min" all very ex de!!! And I wanna feed BB fat fat first before he come to this world.. At least 2.5kilo please.... If can reach 2.8kilo will be even better la! hehe...

3 weeks ago baby acc me to my checkup and ever since then, he's been saying things like "wow my son is so handsome! big eyes, sharp nose!" I was like "eh... that one is 2D scan leh... Not 3D lo... How you know he's big eyes sharp nose?" That stupid freak asked me to use my imagination!

And the last checkup, he didnt tag along. I passed him the scan and he kept saying that it was BB's face (and yes, it was, at least that's what my gynae's nurse said) then he started saying that BB's nose so sharp, he looks so cute... But hor, I tell you lo, the scan doesn't look like face to me, look more like BB's butt!

And I told him i'll slap him if BB don't have big eyes, sharp nose when he's out! That freak still got the nerve to tell me "baby just born the feather not there yet, must grow older then can see" Then how can he can "see" the big eyes sharp nose??? *PIAK*

Anyway, it doesn't matter to us if BB is handsome anot. As long as he's healthy, we're VERY VERY contented alrdy!

Wed will be going for my checkup and also meeting up a lady from Singapore Cord Blood Bank. We're going to donate BB's cord blood to SCBB.

During the pass few months we've been thinking whether to store his cord blood in cordlife bank anot. But after some research and knowledge we got to know about cord blood banking, we decided to donate it instead of keeping it. Though the price is like $200++ per year only, cheaper than buying insurance...

If a child is found to have certain blood disease (CHOY!) which require cord blood to save him/her, do you think he/her still can use his/her own cord blood? Reason is, though some found out having blood disease few years later after borned but the chances are, their cord blood has alrdy "contaminated" with the disease even before birth. So what's the point of keeping if that's the case?

For the 1st child, his/her cord blood can't save his/her slibings life while the 2nd one can save the 1st child...

The above info is found online, by the cord blood lady and also heard from news mths ago...

I was so naive that I thought even we didn't opt to donate the cord blood, it will be automatically donated to the SCBB but I was wrong! They will just THROW it away!!! Very wasteful right???

By donating, I don't have to do anything expect to sign some documents and gynae will withdraw 30ml (tt's alot to me!) of my blood before I give birth...

We really hope BB's cord blood (and also my blood test) is healthy and good enough to save other people... And also hope by doing this (donating BB's cord blood) will help BB to build up some good karma... =)

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