My hospital bag is finally packed under baby's help. Both baby and mum have been pestering me to pack the bag asap cause it'll be less than a month to BB's arrival.
Initially wanna use the brown converse bag which baby bought for me last time cause it's quite big. But hor, we got lotsa stuffs to bring leh... In the end bobian, have to change to another converse big which bro bought for me last time. That one is very big lo.
I dunno whether to bring along breast pump anot cause heard alot people saying that mostly 1st 3 days no milk. But baby said better bring just in case. So we gonna sterilise the pump and bottles before placing them into my bag.
Now only left with my computer table to clear. hehe...
Last night had a talk with baby.He wants me to go straight to c-sect.
Me: but i'll miss the labour pain and u won't get to see me in labour pain, scream like mad woman...
baby: why must see u in pain and scream? I'll will xin tong. Ur pregnancy ourney is alrdy very tough le... Just go c-sect la. Take epidural and I can go in with you.
Tell u! My tears roll down lo... We know that after c-sect the wound will take longer to heal but what to do? REN lo!!!
I hope my mind won't change again. I'm fickle minded...
Not sure what's wrong with me too... Eversince 3rd trimester, I've been feeling depressed on and off. Keep feeling tough...
Been asking myself why my pregnancy journey is so tough? People morning sickness the most until 4months and just a few times per day. Me? until 5th month +, 7-12 times per day, kanna dehydrated, went for drip and loss 7kilo just less than 2 months!
After that I thought I can enjoy my pregnancy journey alrdy but who knows, backache, heartburn, giddiness, headache, almost everything comes at once.
Even 3rd trimester also like that and more problems come along.
Baby often ask me "why you so ke lian?? almost ALL the pregnancy symptons come to you?"
LAst time told baby that I want at least 2 kids. Or maybe settle at 2. 1 oy & 1 girl if possible. But recently I tell him, 1 baobao is enough! LOL...
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