Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sometimes I think I'm really very gei kiang as what baby always said.

I woke up at 10+am as my throat was feeling awful. Despite knowing that I was having an empty stomach, I still swallow a tablet of antibiotic.

Less than an hour later, I was waken up by an uncomfy in my gastric. And heartburn too!

Bo bian lo, puke out everything and went to the coffeeshop and get some food.

I very gei kiang right? Thought of saving the time to make myself some milk and this ended up wasting more sleeping time. haha! A lesson learnt!

I only hope the strong medication won't affect BB at all.

Okay, last night we went back Sengkang to pai ti gong. Pray until 1am!!! Heng dad-in-law drove us back. Anyway, mum-in-law bought some stuffs for BB!

6-9 mths pyjamas!

Pillow, socks and mittens
My favourite of all!! Knitted hat & mittens sets!!
Must be surprised to see pink mittens in the 2nd picture right? I was also curious when I saw PINK! Mum-in-law said cause she can't seems to find blue so just settled with a pink one -.-"
And I really love the knitted hat sets la!!! But sad to say, that's only for newborn so BB will only get to wear them once or twice.

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