Friday, January 30, 2009

The past few days were really hectic! And I'm down with flu now. sigh

Watched "LOVE MATTERS".. hmm the show was not bad but I think it can be better. haha..

HAd MosBurger before the show. You see, I was having fastfoods everyday during CNY, and that explains why I'm sick. haha.

Baby dozing off while waiting for foods. haha!
As for yesterday, We woke up early to go TMC for scanning. A super thorough scanning! We can see BB very clearly. His small little feets.

The lady who helped me did the scanning commented that BB is very active cause the naughty boy kept moving during the scan. Totally didn't stop at all!!! Then the lady said "Oh, can you please don't keep moving BABY!!" And know what? BB started to move more gentlely and stop awhile whenever the lady need to take BB's measurements!

Awhile later the lady told us "Finishing the measurements already" then BB continued to move alot! She said BB very smart and baby told her that BB is cooperative de hor. haha!

Anyway, she showed us BB's genetic organ!!! She said confirm is a boy!

Went to see my gynae for awhile and she commented that I seems to be slimmer. But when I took my weight, I've gained 2.4 kilo!!!!!!!!!!!! haha!!!!

okay, so now baby and me keep thinking of what english name to give BB. I think Matthias is a nice name but baby said NO! He said Tristan is nicer. -.-"

As for today, it's a torture for me! Cause I'm down with flu, cough and sore throat. The doctor damn funny!

He said I've been coughing non-stop so he's going to give me a stronger cough syrup and I asked if it'll be bad for BB. He said "多多少少。。。你吃了,BABY 会跟你一起睡到很熟,then 可能他呼吸会有一点辛苦 lo"

WAOPIANG!!!!!!!!!! He said the medi will cause BB to have breathing difficulties, how I dare to take?! So I told him to give me the previous type which is safer.

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