Finally, last night I FINALLY had my long-time craved PIZZA HUT!!! Baby came home & ordered for it cause mum went to work and I wasn't in the mood to cook.
2 for $22 Viva Pizzas!!
I think Viva Pizza is the same as normal pan pizza except that the crust was still quite soft and bite-able even if it's cold unlike pan pizza, maybe the pan's crust is thicker.
Sometimes I wonder, since we've kind of "complain", will they repeat the bad services again?? Even to others also.
Went to family clinic for cause baby need to have his 2nd HepB injection & I shun bian see doctor cause I was coughing & sneezing badly =(
Headed to CompassPoint after that. I was craving for the "zai mee fen" for very long already but when we were going to reach 4th floor, we saw Kopitiam was having renovations!!!
So settled our late breakfast cum lunch at Sakaru. I had mee goreng as usual. The mee goreng is damn yummy but too spicy already! Though I made special request too have LESS spicy one but it still hurts my gastric! My gastric isn't well lately already, plus the mee goreng, I have to go to watsons to get gastric pills!
Baby & his fried rice!
Went to find my ex-colleagues. Chatted about 1 hour before I left. haha.
I don't know what happened to me. My gastric was in sharp pain but I swear I take my meals regularly!! Though the pain is there but I feel hungry too!!! And whenever I munched something, the pain goes away. Then after 15 minutes the food was being swallowed, the pain comes again! Unless I just sit down and don't walk or move at all.
And that explains why I ate lotsa food today. We went to PS, I told baby that I was hungry and he was stunned! He brought me to Mac and bought me a large fries. Ate it and still felt hungry, went to BreadTalk an get a bread. Ate it, feel much more better. When we shopped at Charrfour, I feel hungry and gastric pain again so we bought some sushi. Scary right my gastric?? I'm pretty worried that my gastric might be having some problems!
Naughty baby paste the price tag on my hand, he thought my hand was sushi.
Caught in action!! Munching food again!! haha!
After munchies the sushi, we headed up to watch the movie: CONNECTED
OMG! It's a damn NICE NICE NICE movie la!!! Louis Koo is so handsome and Da S is so pretty!! Not to mention, the story line is very good too. Too bad I missed the English one years back. Feel like renting the DVD haha!
Anyway, I really don't understand why there bound to be inconsiderate people! There was an old couple sitting beside us with an empty seat in between. hmm they are not considered old should be 50++. They spoke very slang english seems so class but their actions were really OMG!!
Just before the movie started, that auntie asked me in english
"HEY! what's your seat number?"
Me: (thinking that we might have taken the wrong seat, & ask baby to check our tix) eh you wait ah
Auntie: (quite rude) what number?!
Baby: (getting impatient) correctly what, that's our seats!
Auntie: No la, I just ask your because I can't see the number on the seats what!!
Please la! If that's the case, then at least use a better tone la! Machiam we owe her money like that!
That's not the end! When the movie starts, She took out something from her BIG BIG bag (those with roller below can be used as trolley). Then I heard LOUD munching sound. Turned around, know what they're eating?? BALUKU!!!! *faint*
Nevermind, since it does not smell or stink. After some minutes, I can smell DURIANS hor!!! Though I'm a durian lover but eating them in air-con places is really very @#$%^&*(@W#$%^&!!!! They spoke damn LOUDLY also! Burp loudly which stink alot! Not only me, the front rows people also keep turned back and gave them a stare. But they just treat the cinema like their home and continue to picnic, talk loudly. TSK!
Okay forget about those sickening stuffs!
We had dinner at Kopitiam, had baby's favourite rice!
If you are going to PS, you really must try the GrillDrumstick rice from an Indonasian stall
It might not look appetitizing but it is definitely a MUST-TRY!
Today is a bad shopping day! Didn't get anything except some baking stuffs =(
Got all of them from Diaso. Diaso is really a wonderland which sells all kinds of stuffs!
Okay, I'm going to sleep already. It's 1.20am!
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