Monday, February 6, 2012

Ashton has been falling ill on and eversince he started schooling. I used to hear from my friends on how good and amazing Sambucus is. And out of desperatation, I bought a bottle to try. And guess what? IT WORKS!!!

Nature's Way Sambucus!

I stopped Ash's medications as he has been taking cough syrup and runny nose med lik DAILY thru out the whole january. Though he got better but the medications just coudlnt stop everything 100%. I started to give sambucus twice a day and medications at night before he sleeps. According to my friends, it is not recommended to feed sambucus and medications tgt.

After taking Sambucus for 3 days, I could see huge improvements. No more coughing and runny nose.

In case you dont know what is sambucus. read this:

Anw, I got the Sambucus from In fact, I get ALL the supplements and even Ash's shampoo & toothpaste for the pass 1 year plus.

Key in: KOH477 for an immediate USD$5 discount if you are a FIRST timer ordering. It will be offset straight away from the total bill. =)

They even have brands like Childlife, Earth Best. iherb definitely have cheaper prices (even aft adding the shipping fees) compared with what we get in SG. =)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ashton has started schooling on the 3rd of Jan. I was very anxious and worried of how is he going to cope. Acutally, I was more worry on the sch bus part as the distance btwn the sch and our home is abt 10 min drive but if I bring him there daily by public transport, it will be like 30-40 minutes journey as there is no direct bus.

Surprisely, he copes well, even on taking sch bus =)

Day 1

Prepared some diapers and wet wipes for him as he is not toilet trained outside, only home.

He ate his breakfast at a veeerrrrrryyyyy SLLLLOOOOOWWWWW speed!

Preparing to go to sch

As first day got no sch bus service for prenursery students, so we took bus.

"TAXI!!" He told we are taking taxi to sch! LOL!

With ahma...


1st lesson of the day: chinese lesson

Slant liaoo

OTW lying down =.=


Due to the pathetic serving portion, Ashton had 2nd serving. And on the 3rd day, he buay paiseh de asked for 3rd serving. Right after he finish the food, he will bring the bowl to the teacher and said "SOMEMORE!" hahahaha!

Day 2

I decided to let him take sch bus to sch from 2nd day onwards after discussing with the sch bus operator. By right shd start on the 4th day as the principal dont wanna the kids to get frightened but the bus operator feel that the kids has to get along with them before day 4 when parents totally cannot go to the class and acc them, which I also feel very true.

Waiting for the sch bus

He screamed "MUMMY!! HELP!! HELP!!" when the bus aunty carried up the bus. But stopped when he was seated down. Then I quickly cabbed down the sch and wait outside. Upon seeing the sch bus drove into the sch, I slowly walked in and peep peep. but HAIYA Ash saw me and started to ask for me. haha!

They will have assembly at the music room before lesson starts and teachers will get them to sing many Christian songs which I find very sweet and cute. =)" flashvars="">" flashvars="">





Day 3 was as usual but day 4 which is today, is special. Cause is the 1st day that Ash officially went to sch without parents/ahma. He board the sch bus willingly without crying and struggling. That is very good right?

And his form teacher said she will toilet train him in sch and told me not to wry abt the 'wetting floor' part as they are well prepared with it. hmm, they wont use the mop and whack Ash for wetting the floor hor? LOL!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

After meeting the paediatric surgeon on wednesday, i'm more assured and slightly less worried. The PD Surgeon Dr Sim explained everything in detailed to us. Why Ashton will get Hydrocele, how many kids will get it and what are they going to do.

He will be removing the fluid followed by 'mending' the hole that Ash is having in his body now. It sounds scary to have a 'hole' in the body but Dr Sim keep assured me everything is fine, things are not as scary as we thought and the surgery is a minor one and most probably able to go back on the same day.

His assistant actually wanna book the surgery date on thursday which was the day after our consultation with Dr Sim. I was like: OMG that's way to fast and sudden!!! So we choose the surgery on this coming monday.

I have not been slping well these few nights. Yes, minor surgery but dont ask me NOT to wry. This is IMPOSSIBLE. I will feel extremely heartache even when Ash accidentally fall down and now he will be going under the knife. Minor minor but still scary right? Somemore for a 30 mth old toddler.. GGGGGRRRRRRRR~~~~ =.=

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ash's review 2 dec

On the 2nd, we brought Ash to pizza hut for dinner After his review at Mt A. I was glad that Jac was along with us thru out everything :)

Seriously, I think pizza hut shd work harder to make their pasta nicer. I could get a better and nicer pasta at pasta mania with a lower price. Haha!

After the dinner we went gong cha to get bbt and after making payment I saw hub was making payment at the MOF counter and I asked Jac what happened? She said Ash made his dad to buy ice cream for him! He asked daddy to carry him and pointed to the ice cream "this one!! Ice cream!!" hahaha

I've been having headache n feeling tired. Hub said is because I think too much and my mind didn't get to 'rest'. Well...

Friday, December 2, 2011

Less than 3 months ago, Ashton fell ill and we brought him to his PD. At the same time, I randomly brought up an issue to the PD. I always thought the issue was common until PD told us that he might need a minor surgery.

Was given appt for today for a review. Hoping that PD will tell us he does not need any surgery or we can observe for few more months. But he said Ash need the surgery to be done, preferable asap.

The medical term is Hydrocoele if I rmb. It is accumulated fluid in testicle. We used to think that this is common but PD said since the fluid didnt fully subside during his 1st year, he needs to go under a surgery.

I am so sad. Though he keep assure us that this will be just a minor surgery and he is refering us to a good paediatrician surgeon but I still feel very upset and worry.

I have been asking myself, what have I done?! Of course I'm not a perfect person, but I never do any mean things! What kind of person were I in my previous life?! Why my son has been suffering?! He has been ill so frequently no matter how much precaution we put in and his health only gets better during the past 1 year and yet, such bad news hit us!

Minor surgery. The word 'minor' is comforting but not the word 'surgery'! =(

Friday, November 25, 2011

Our new house renovation is officially done few weeks ago. We like everything though the reno is considered pretty simple.

Upon opening the door, can see the glass panel with a shoe cabinet below

This is to 'divide' the dining area out. If not, we cannot open door when we are having meals. So unglam, ppl look in can see liaoo. LOL!

The hall. My mum commented that our living room got many lights. hahahaha!

KITCHEN!!! Nice hor nice hor?!?!?! Black and white!! The only thing I dont like is the tiles btwn top and bottom cabinet. Bobian, low budget so didnt add glass panel btwn. LOL!

And this is a pull-out table. If not in use can just push in. Super convenient. But of course, not using it as a dinign table lahh..

Common bathroom. My mama-in-law insisted that we MUST have shower screen for both bathrooms, which I agree. hahahaha!

MBR Shower screen. Did you see the rain shower? Requested by Hub. shiok max lahh!!!

Ehhh.. What is this? How come got another glass door????

TADAH!!! Is my walk-in wardrobe!!!

This walk-in wardrobe is my favourite of all!! Initially when Eunice proposed the idea of walk-in wardrobe, I was very wry about the spacing. Honestly, my MBR slping area cut off by 1/3 due to the wardrobe. I think now the remaining MBR can only put 1 queen size bed (booohooo cannot buy king one) and a mattress for Ash. But the wardrobe is really nice!!! I can put more clothes. I have a place to change and makeup w/o having to disturb Ash when he is slping. and I can just open/close the glass door, dont need open so many doors to search for clothes. LOL!

We are not moving in soon. SIAN! We have spent most of our savings. Now have to SAVE SAVE SAVE before moving in. But no matter what, having our own home is really good. =)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Lets welcome Mr Ash in his 1st ever sch uniform!!!

He looks uber cute here right?? with the uber sweet smile. hahaha!

Went for his sch orientation this afternoon. It was a 1.5 hour one but 1 hour of it is actually some activities for them. Singing, story telling, art and craft, snack/tea time.

Ashton was in his own world, running ard, exploring ard instead of following instructions. OH DEAR! I really hope his behaviour will gets better as sch term starts 1.5 mths later. Hope no crying (I know this is almost impossible). I think I'm more nervous than him. Hub asked me "Is Ashton the one attending sch or you?"

After today's orientation, I seriously feel that we shd speak more mandarin with him. Though during the past 3 mths, my mum has been staying at home (due to MC) and started to have someone to speak more mandarin with him, his mandarin also improves alot, but he still cant understand some instructions in mandarin.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Suddenly feel like doing a post. I think not much (or no one) is alrdy following this space. But who cares, I blog for the sake of blogging.

Ashton has turned 2 in June and is currently 27 months. WOW!!! Time really passes VERY fast. He will be attending prenursery next year. OMGGGGG!!!! I seriously dont know how to handle the seperation anxiety that we both going to face.

Well, I have been busy with my house renovation. Yes, MY house. My very OWN house. It is always good to have somewhere that really belongs to us. Renovation is almost done I suppose. However, we are not moving in anytime yet, definitely next year or maybe later.

I have tonnes of photos to upload but I cant be uploading the ones from Ash's 2nd bday till now, 6 months photos lehhh.

He has mastered a new skill

Cookie monster. I think Ash's behaviour looks more like a monster though. LOL!

I chopped my hair short few mths ago. Nice bo? LOL!

Aunty Ashhy